Why Do Cats Want To Tuck In Your Bed?

Why Do Cats Want To Tuck In Your Bed?

Why Do Cats Want To Tuck On Your Bed?

Cats spend most of their life on sleeping. Regular they handle approximately 16-20 hours of sleep (or not), and they're able to sleep everywhere and anytime. Additionally, as owners, you may be seen by your kitty when you are in your bed pretty frequently. So why's that? There are 3 main reasons.

1. They want to feel the heat.
You may already know. Cats are attracted to heat: they sit on your notebook, they lie beneath sunlight, they lie flat on their back by the fireplace, etc.. You are one of those hot objects also.

2. Cats need to feel safe to sleep.
Sleeping is if they are vulnerable, therefore when they come to you, they actually want to feel protected. Be very happy, your cat is expecting you! They simply love you.

3. Your kitty develops attached to you since it loves you.
Although cats aren't the best at showing emotions, they do possess some. They say their love by giving you smooches, pawing in your face, licking you, accompanying you constantly, and lying on the same bed with you is just another manner. Your kitty feels at home along with your odor, so they are inclined to be in places which have traces of you. Talk about obsession!
